Dior White and Navy Blue Cotton Jersey T-shirt Sz S

Payment method Cash / Paynow Price

Cash / Paynow Price: $550
Card Price / CC Installments: $630 ( (AMEX / UOB / DBS / OCBC Installments are available)
GrabPay Price: $600 (Contact us to activate for you.)

Est. Retail: $1550. Save $1000 or 65%!

Condition: 9/10 excellent condition with minor signs of use/storage. Item was professionally dry cleaned (tag intact) before sale. (Photos form part of the description.)

Comes with: Original receipt. Item did not originally come with any other packaging. Paper bag subject to availability.
Year: 2021
Size: S

SKU: C/2024/04/028A


Instagram: @luxefindsbybl

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